FRancophiles Anonymous

Israel's leading French culture blog has just arrived in Malta

צבי חזנוב במלטה.

About Me and My Blog

Bonġu! My name is Zvi Chazanov; I was born in Israel but since November 2018 I’ve been living in Malta, where I work for the online gaming industry.

Being passionate about French culture since childhood, I launched Francophiles Anonymous in 2013 and was able to turn it into Israel’s leading French tourism and culture blog (a ‘Francophile’ is a lover of French culture).

However, when I moved to Malta I very quickly fell in love with the Maltese culture and its history (especially anything concerning the knights of St. John). As a result I decided to start sharing my Maltese adventures with my Israeli followers.

Happily my readers are as passionate about culture and history as I am and they embraced my new initiative with enthusiasm. So my goal is very simple: to tell the story of Malta to the culture-loving public of Israeli Francophiles.

Would you like to read what I’ve written so far? You can, with pleasure! However, please note that the blog is currently written in Hebrew but that’s not something that Google Translate can’t take care of pretty well these days. 🙂

Some Blog Stats - October 2019

Subscribers to my email list
Facebook followers
Monthly visitors

Let me help you reach thousands of Israeli culture lovers

People who visit France do so because of its history, beauty, culture and food. And those are exactly the same reasons why they will visit Malta if only they knew more about it…

Are you a marketing/PR manager of the Maltese tourist office? Or perhaps you wish to promote your hotel, restaurant or tourist attraction? Let me help you to reach thousands of avid Israeli culture lovers, who would love to discover Malta.

Here are a few brand discovery opportunities, which I offer:

Promotional Post

I would be more than happy to visit your city, hotel, restaurant or tourist attraction and write a special post about it in my blog. This post would be promoted via my FB page, Instagram and email in order to allow it to reach thousands of potential tourists.

פלאצו סנטה סופיה במדינה, אחד המבנים העתיקים ביותר במדינה שעוד קיים (הקומה הראשונה היא מהמאה ה-13).
מדינה והעיר רבאט (מלטה) - אלפי שנות היסטוריה בכתבה קצרה אחת

Sponsored Post

One of the best ways to gain an audience is to become an authority in your field (I know this because it worked for me 🙂 ).

So if you are a specialist in your field (for example: you work for a regional tourist board and know all the secrets of the region) then you are more than welcome to publish your post in my blog. Don’t speak Hebrew? No worries. Send me the post in English and I’ll take care of the translation. 

Banner Advertisement

Don’t have time to write a post? One of the fastest ways to get discovered by my readers is via a well-designed banner, which will appear after several paragraphs inside each of my blog posts.

This way we can make sure that your brand is noticed.

הפרנקופיל מטייל מחוץ לצרפת

Sounds Interesting? Let's Talk

